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8'' Display mit 800x600. Android 2.3 Tablet. With 538 g about 35% more weight than the paper version of the book.

View Short description free PDF Biography of the author
This is followed by book reviews: The first from
PHILOBIBLON Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities

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This is not a simple book, but the start of a new worldwide movement. The decision between self-destruction and limitless future.

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7'' 178mm Scrren with 480x800 resolution. This ebook reader is available for 70.-EUR. With 284 g about 30% less weight than ''Calculation ERROR'' on paper.

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The book calculation ERROR easy explained by never written books..

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Calculation ERROR Calculation ERROR
Why is humanity not half the way to solar age, like it was intended 1991 as PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth was founded? There is a deadly calculation ERROR!

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The new worldview that is described in the Book ''Calculation ERROR'', now has a name: Infinitism. The evolution of the sun became the symbol for Infinitism

View Short description free PDF Biography of the author
This is followed by book reviews: The first from
PHILOBIBLON Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities

Buy Calculation ERROR Online - free PDF
This is not a simple book, but the start of a new worldwide movement. The decision between self-destruction and limitless future.

Read Calculation ERROR
The paper version of ''Calculation ERROR'' is in DIN-A5 format. Ideal to read the PDF version even on a cell phone.

Never written books
The book calculation ERROR easy explained by never written books..

Context description:  Calculation is dedicated to solve the most severe problems of present. Debt crisis economic downturn unemployment lost generation working poor peak-oil and climate change.